When people ask, “Doug, how can you access money out of an Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policy?” I usually say there’s the sad way, the dumb way, and the smart way.
The Sad Way: This is by dying. It’s one heck of a return, but I don’t recommend it.
The Dumb Way: Withdrawing money. If you withdraw more than your basis (the amount you paid in), you’ll have to pay tax on the gains. Your money will also stop earning interest.
The Smart Way: Borrowing against your policy. This method allows you to access your money tax-free while your cash value continues to grow.
To learn more about maximizing your IUL policy and accessing your money the smart way, claim a free copy of my book, The LASER Fund. Click on the link below, contribute towards the shipping, and I’ll cover the rest. I’ll pay for the book.
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