If you’re growing a business, do you want to have Ae or Ea?
This is a construct I’ve developed to explain the ratio between Engagement and Availability.
Because when you have Ea – that’s more Engagement (clients knocking down your door) than Availability – you can choose to work with your ideal clients, and delegate or let go of the rest.
This is a principle I’ve taught insurance agents who are part of IUL Insiders, as well as thousands of other entrepreneurs across several industries.
As a long-time entrepreneur myself, I’ve written a book about the 10 Keys Transformation you need to level up your business.
I’ve also written another best seller on Indexed Universal Life’s potential for leveling up your financial future.
To claim your free copy of my book, “The LASER Fund,” go to laserfund.com. Just contribute to the shipping, and I’ll handle the rest! #shorts