As you consider all your assets…and you look ahead to your retirement…are you optimizing everything to get the most out of your financial future?
This is a question I’ve helped countless clients answer, and the solution often includes what I call a strategic rollout.
A strategic rollout helps you transition your money out of financial vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s, vehicles that can be good but not great.
Why? Traditional accounts like these put your money at risk for losses due to market volatility, and they can take a significant toll with taxes as you withdraw your money during retirement.
Instead, you can get taxes over and done with sooner and reposition those assets into a properly structured, max-funded Indexed Universal Life policy.
With IUL, your money is safe from market volatility and the cash you access from your policy is tax-free.
Here I describe a scenario with a strategic rollout for a client who had IRAs, 401(k)s and real estate, optimizing it all for a brighter financial future.
To learn more about strategies like these, click on the link below and claim your FREE copy of “The LASER Fund.” Just cover the shipping at! #shorts