Want to grow your business?
Ask yourself: What makes your ideal client tick?
In other words, what is their main purpose for living, and who or what is most important to them?
For me, this often means focusing on clients aged 55 to 75 who are deeply concerned about not outliving their money.
These clients typically have high values and are family-oriented.
They want to provide abundance for their children and grandchildren, but they want to do so in a way that doesn’t spoil them.
Understanding these core motivations helps me tailor my approach to attract and serve the clients who are the best fit for my practice.
You can do the same.
I’ve written a book about the 10 Keys Transformation you need to level up your business.
I’ve also written another best seller on Indexed Universal Life’s potential for leveling up your financial future.
To claim your free copy of my book, “The LASER Fund,” go to laserfund.com. Just contribute to the shipping, and I’ll handle the rest! #shorts